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FRIDAY, JUNE 2nd 5:30 - 7:30PM

Let's get together and celebrate the end of the school year! We will bid Gail farewell as well as have an opportunity to meet our new K-4 head, Michelle Dowling. The picnic will be held outdoors on the upper athletic field on PCS Campus. We will have sandwiches, chips, cookies (thank you 5th grade who have donated the cookies!) available for advance purchase.                    
Water and lemonade available for all, but you may also want to bring your own refillable water container. We will have our famous 'musical treat chairs' with DJ Ciuffreda spinning the tunes and several kids activities (thank you 8th grade for running an activity), including face painting by our very own Elina Lorenz! 
Buy 10 activity tickets and get 2 free - this special offer is for advance online purchases only. Activity tickets will be used for 'musical treat chairs', temporary tattoos, and face painting. Activity tickets will be $1/ticket at the picnic so bring $1.00 cash bills if you don’t buy online.
Sign up Genius for Donate Cakes and Fancy Cupcake for the musical treat chairs and volunteers here:  ****LINK****
Please email with any questions to Rupal: rupalag@gmail.com
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Single Ticket with Food $0.00
  • 1 admission ticket 
  • 1 piece of sandwich: turkey, cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion. Condiments on the side 
  • 1 bag of chips
  • 1 cookie
  • 1 activity ticket

Single Ticket with Food ( Veg ) $0.00
  •  1 admission ticket 
  • 1 piece of Veg sandwich: American cheese, provolone cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion. Condiments on the side. 
  • 1 bag of chips
  • 1 cookie
  • 1 activity ticket

Single Ticket (NO FOOD) $0.00
  • 1 Admission Ticket
  • 1 activity ticket 

Activity Tickets (12) $0.00
  • 12 activity tickets with value of $12

I would like to make a donation
